Hi, I’m Kristi!
Mom. Entrepreneur. Dreamer.
Can I get real with you for a sec?
That girl on the left is me. Hopefully she comes across as the fun Miss Kristi your kids want to read along with every day. I love what I do. Let me say that again, I love what I do! When I watch these videos, I smile even at myself because it’s the physical and tangible output of my heart for the world to see. This company that I created from a crazy idea in the middle of the night has truly become something I am so proud to bring to you…
I wake up every morning with 2 purposes for this business, to help parents create entertaining and meaningful activities for their littles and to help kids learn. For me, it’s about making a difference, even if just so incrementally. Whether it’s helping the mom not feel so overwhelmed in her life. Helping the teacher create enjoyable lessons without the hassle. Helping the dad do “crafts” with his kids when it’s really not his thing or even providing fun things for the babysitter to do with kiddos on date night. Helping parents hit the easy button is always my goal…
But I’ll be honest- This journey, this passion project, this true labor of love didn’t start out as the bright shiny girl with purpose you see to your left…